The Yellow Place

All about marketing agencies

Are digital marketing agencies worth it?

Are you thinking about growing the digital impact of your business? Check this post if you need to know which type of digital marketing agency suits you best!

Digital marketing in today’s interconnected world is the equivalent of a billboard placed square in the midst of your target audience. But, are digital marketing agencies worth it? We’ll help you finding out!


Almost 70% of people in the world own phones; if a digital marketing agency were able to detect the distinctive algorithm of your consumers, including nuances that benefit your business and the consumer in dire need of your product alike, everyone would be able to tap into what they need. 


Put simply, the answer is… YES! But each business is inspired by a unique idea, a message that needs to reach people effectively. In that vein, you need to know which type of agency suits your vision and growth goals the best. 


This post is dedicated to guiding you regarding the type of digital marketing agencies that are out there and, specifically, which digital marketing agency is right for your business.


But, before that, WELCOME! This is our first post and we wanted to begin our journey by answering the most burning question individuals and business owners have when aiming to take their business to the next level: Are digital marketing agencies worth it


We know that entrepreneurship is not an easy journey and you want to make sure your hard-earned revenue is being allocated optimally. While strategizing and perfecting your product, you simply don’t have enough time to cater to marketing your product in a cost-efficient manner with a guarantee to generate leads.


To save your time, we’re here to break down the factors that may suggest you need an analytical marketing agency that is grounded in ethos too. Without further ado, let’s get started!


Do you need a digital marketing agency to grow your business?


In short, it depends on three factors:


  • The current stage of your business. Firstly, it’s important that you have a clear idea regarding your digitalization level. If you haven’t tapped into the technical side of digital marketing yet, do you at least have an online presence? How successful is your website at the moment in terms of traffic and conversions? Are you active on social media? Do you approach social media platforms strategically? Do you create content and post it regularly? If so, do you analyze how well it’s performing to improve it? How many channels are you using for digital marketing, and which one is performing the best?

  • Your goals. Secondly, you will need SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound) goals. You should define goals if you haven’t already because you need to be clear about them to measure the success of your digital marketing performance. You will be able to recognize if the digital agency you hire is aligned with those goals. What else? It’ll make the initial decision of onboarding a marketing agency easier because you’ll know if their services are relevant to your aims.

  • Thirdly, and also highly important, if you have the requisite resources required to make that step. When you start working with an agency, you will need some resources to ensure that the performance will be successful. 

These resources are: 

  • Financial resources: the agency will have its monthly or yearly fees, but in addition, you have to plan the budget you want to spend on digital marketing tools and advertisement: SEO, website design, ads, influencers, guest blogging, etc.

  • Time: digital marketing doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a while to attain results. So, it’s important to be aware that if you have never delved into digital marketing before, it can take some months until the first results show up.

  • Human resources: new content needs to be created, and the agency will require images, videos, texts, and inputs from you, as well as feedback. It’s important that you consider the possibility of hiring a new person in your team to look after follow-ups with the agency. Alternatively, you can assign this task to someone who will be able to have weekly meetings with the agency.

Which type of digital marketing agency fits your business needs?


Based on your answers to the questions above, you will have an idea about which type of agency matches your requirements. For example, if you need a global strategy and an action plan, you should go for a digital marketing agency that specializes in strategy.


Always refer back to your budget as you have to cover fees and other expenses. In case you have more concrete needs, such as some consultancy for ads, or for influencer marketing, there are agencies that focus on those fields. 


We also suggest you have a meeting with the candidate agency and see how they are working: which processes they have, and how they are planning to manage your account. You should feel that the agency is an extension of your own marketing team, so there should be good vibes and energies when you meet them.


Which type of agency is The Yellow Place, and why should you hire us?


After working with many clients in different agencies before, we have built a multi-talented team that will combine forces to offer you the most complete solution. We will get to know you and your business needs, which will help us create a tailor-made plan based on the data at hand. Our primary focus is transparency and results. We will assign a manager to your project, the one that best suits your business needs. But rest assured, you will have our entire team working for you in order to achieve your goals.


We are committed, professional and experienced, but we are also creative, passionate, and artsy! You will always get an honest response from our side, and we will do our best to achieve the goals that we set. 


In other words, your digital marketing plan’s success requires both sides to be involved and pushing in the same direction. If this is the way you like doing things, we are your agency! If you you want to make sure that Digital Marketing Agencies are worth it, and that The Yellow Place is your agency, let’s have that first meeting today!

All about marketing agencies

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